What is HIV?

HIV. Three letters that can evoke a multitude of memories and fears. But the images of HIV infections and AIDS have changed. The good news is: The previously fatal disease has become a treatable infection. HIV is a virus that attacks and weakens the human immune system. Hence the name human immunodeficiency virus.

We dispel prejudices and stigmas and give you a few hard facts about HIV:

💡 HIV is not AIDS (erroneously, “HIV tests” are often called “AIDS tests”)

💡 HIV drugs prevent the outbreak of AIDS

💡 A good life with almost normal life expectancy is possible with HIV therapy

💡 People with an HIV infection and an undetectable viral load under therapy cannot transmit the virus sexually

STI test kit for home use

📲 Knowing your STI status is sexy

What are the symptoms of HIV?

There are symptoms that may indicate an HIV infection:

  • Fever
  • Night sweats
  • Swelling of the lymph nodes
  • Skin rash
  • Tiredness and listlessness

After a short time, these symptoms subside and a longer symptom-free period follows. But it is precisely during this time that the HI virus weakens the body. That’s why: Make sure you speak to a doctor if you have symptoms.

Your HIV test from s.a.m health

Sex is beautiful and it should stay that way!

That’s why we at s.a.m health have made it our mission to give you more security on a regular basis when you’re enjoying yourself sexually. With our STI test kit, you can easily get tested for HIV from home.

The kit also contains a tripper test, syphilis test and chlamydia test. So you can be absolutely sure!

Why should I get tested for HIV?

Especially if you enjoy an exciting love life with different partners, it is important that you get tested for HIV regularly. We recommend regular HIV testing for:

  • Unprotected sex
  • Men who have sex with men (MSM)
  • Intravenous drug use
  • Pregnant people
  • HIV-PreP users


If you had a concrete HIV transmission risk, ask about the PEP. This should be started as soon as possible after a risk contact. Preferably within the first 48 hours. You can find all the information you need at Deutsche Aidshilfe on safer sex accident/Pep.

Where can I get tested for HIV?

Medical practice

If symptoms are present, the costs are usually covered by health insurance. However, the visit to a doctor is not anonymous and the test result will be included in your medical file.

Health authorities and AIDS service organizations

You can find these in many larger cities and municipalities and, of course, in almost every major city. The offers are not always free of charge and are usually between €10.00 and €30.00. The best way to find out about the offer and the possible costs is to check the respective website.

HIV rapid test at home

This can usually be read at home 30 minutes after the blood sample has been taken. But be careful: mistakes can be made here by non-professionals when carrying out and reading the meter. Make sure you read the instructions beforehand. Most rapid tests are only conclusive 12 weeks after a risk of transmission.

s.a.m health test

With us, you can do your test at home and send your samples to a laboratory. Before your first test kit, you will receive an explanation of how to use it from medically trained personnel by telephone. Your samples are analyzed in the laboratory according to the latest standards. If the result is positive or reactive, we will be there for you and tell you what to do next.

When is HIV detectable?

For a reliable HIV test result in the laboratory, the risk situation should have occurred at least six weeks ago (diagnostic window). For rapid HIV tests, it is even at least twelve weeks.

Discounted test kits

✔️ If you meet certain requirements, you will receive test kits for €10

What types of HIV tests are there?

Antibody test

Here your blood is tested to see whether it has formed antibodies against the HI virus. However, the test only works reliably 12 weeks after a risk contact.

Antigen antibody test

It is considered the standard test in German laboratories. We also work with this test at s.a.m health. The blood is analyzed for the presence of the HI virus and reliable results can be obtained 6 weeks after the risk contact.


This test allows the detection of HI viruses directly in the blood. It is normally used in ongoing HIV therapy.

What should I do if I test positive for HIV?

Don’t panic – we’re here for you. First of all, it is important to know that a distinction is made between a reactive and a positive result. A reactive test result is scary at first, but basically just means that a test indicates the presence of the virus.

However, this must first be confirmed by a second laboratory test.

If the result is positive, our counselors will help you find an HIV specialist practice. Thanks to therapies, you can continue to have a fulfilling sex life with HIV.

Reporting obligation: Only a confirmed HIV diagnosis must be reported. But it is reported to the Robert Koch Institute without mentioning the name.

Uncomplicated and without intrusive questions as to why I need the test. Easy to use and a reliable result after a short time. I am completely thrilled. Thank you so much for offering something like this!

Survey Monkey

My first consultation in particular was extremely friendly and approachable. I felt immediately at ease. The procedures are very well organized and easy to follow. And the price is €20 cheaper than at my doctor’s.

Survey Monkey

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Sexuelle Gesundheit. Dein Weg.

Unser diskretes Versandtestkit bietet Labortests auf HIV, Syphilis, Tripper (Gonorrhö) und Chlamydien.