What is chlamydia?

Let’s talk Chlamydia! Chlamydia are bacteria and are transmitted via the mucous membranes during sex. An infection can cause inflammation and, if left untreated, can lead to infertility in the long term.

No symptoms, but still transmissible? This is the tricky part. A chlamydia infection often occurs without symptoms or with only very mild symptoms. This is why it is one of the most common sexually transmitted bacterial infections in Germany.

💡 Chlamydia can colonize the rectum (through anal intercourse)

💡 Chlamydia can colonize the throat (through oral sex)

💡 They cause inflammation in the genital tract, urethra and rectum

💡 The resulting inflammation of the mucous membrane makes HIV easier to transmit

STI test kit for home use

📲 Knowing your STI status is sexy

Infections often go unnoticed for a long time and can spread to the fallopian tubes in women, causing inflammation and infertility. Chlamydia can also spread from the urethra to the prostate and epididymis in men and cause inflammation there.

Anyone who leads an active sex life with changing partners should seek advice on regular chlamydia tests.


What are the causes and symptoms of chlamydia?


Chlamydia is usually transmitted via vaginal and anal sex. The use of shared sex toys can also be a route of transmission. Basically, you can always become infected if your mucous membranes come into unprotected contact with the mucous membranes or bodily fluids of your sexual partner who is infected with chlamydia.

The mucous membranes of these organs can be affected by chlamydia:

  • Vagina, fallopian tubes
  • Urethra
  • Rectum
  • Throat


Chlamydia infections often progress without any recognizable symptoms. But when symptoms appear, they often express themselves as follows:

  • Itching and urinary incontinence
  • Mucopurulent discharge
  • Diarrhea-like complaints
  • Fever
  • Heavy menstrual bleeding or intermenstrual bleeding (when infection moves into the uterus, fallopian tubes and abdominal cavity)
  • Pain in the testicles

If transmitted through oral sex, chlamydia can also colonize the throat, but does not cause disease there and usually disappears after a few weeks.

The chlamydia home test from s.a.m health

Sex is beautiful and it should stay that way!

That’s why we at s.a.m health have made it our mission to give you more security on a regular basis when you’re enjoying yourself sexually.

With our STI test kit, you can easily get tested for chlamydia from home. In addition, the kit also contains a gonorrhoe test, syphilis testand HIV test. So you can be absolutely sure!

When should you take a chlamydia test?

In order to reliably detect a chlamydia infection, you should wait about 2-3 days (diagnostic window).

💡 If you have an active sex life with changing sexual partners, it is advisable to have a regular chlamydia test – for your own safety and to protect your sexual partners.

STI test kit for home use

📲 Knowing your STI status is sexy

Direct test method

Here, the pathogens are detected directly in the samples taken. The smears or urine are examined in the laboratory for the genetic material of the bacteria. This procedure is also known as the PCR test.

It is the most common and best (as it is the most sensitive) detection method

Indirect test method

A blood sample is required for the indirect test procedure. This tests for the antibodies of a chlamydia infection. Antibodies remain detectable long after the infection has been cured. However, it can take several weeks before antibody formation can be detected in the blood.

The procedure is not suitable for diagnosing an infection that requires treatment

How is a chlamydia test carried out?

The new test method allows the bacteria to be detected just a few days after infection.

There are two reliable ways to detect a chlamydia infection:

  • The chlamydia urine test: The first urine sample is used for the urine test
  • The chlamydia smear test: The swab is used vaginally, anally or in the throat

If you are not quite sure how to carry out such a test correctly – no problem! We have a special page with instructions for taking samples.

What should I bear in mind during pregnancy? The chlamydia test is part of normal prenatal care!

How much does a chlamydia test cost?

Gynecologist or urologist

Women up to the age of 25 can have a free chlamydia test at a gynecologist, which is covered by health insurance. After that, the offer costs between €10-20 per test.

General practitioner

You can also take a chlamydia test here. But beware: the health insurance company will only cover the costs if risks are described in the sexual anamnesis or if symptoms are present.

Rapid test at home

You can usually obtain this chlamydia test from the pharmacy and carry it out at home. Unfortunately, this type of test is not as reliable in its results.

Submission test with s.a.m. health

This is also known as a home test with laboratory evaluation. Here you also carry out the test at home, but you send the samples to a laboratory. There, tests and evaluations are carried out by medical specialists using the latest medical standards. The first test kit costs €75. All the following test kits cost 59€.

Attention! The s.a.m. health test, other submission tests or home tests are not suitable if you have symptoms. In this case, you should always consult a doctor.

Discounted test kits

✔️ If you meet certain requirements, you will receive test kits for €10

How can you treat chlamydia?

Last but not least – How do you get rid of chlamydia? The classic treatment for a chlamydia infection is antibiotics and lasts one week.

But we have good news: The earlier the infection is detected, the better – this can prevent late complications.

My first consultation in particular was extremely friendly and approachable. I felt immediately at ease. The procedures are very well organized and easy to follow. And the price is €20 cheaper than at my doctor’s.

Survey Monkey

Uncomplicated and without intrusive questions as to why I need the test. Easy to use and a reliable result after a short time. I am completely thrilled. Thank you so much for offering something like this!

Survey Monkey
Logo Medizinisches Labor

Sexuelle Gesundheit. Dein Weg.

Unser diskretes Versandtestkit bietet Labortests auf HIV, Syphilis, Tripper (Gonorrhö) und Chlamydien.