Sex is beautiful!
And we want it to stay that way. That’s why we have created a solution that gives you security for your sex life. STI stands for sexually transmitted infection. And that’s why we’re now unpacking and showing you what our STI home test can do.
Our s.a.m health test kit
With our STI test kit, you can regularly test yourself for the most common STIs that require treatment. Comfortably from home.
Can I also test myself only once?
Sure! For follow-up test kits, you will receive an SMS reminder depending on the agreed test interval. You can simply respond with “No test”. Then we will not send you another test kit.
💡 s.a.m health offers you the same security as a medical examination for sexually transmitted diseases.
We at s.a.m health test for these STIs
Discreet STI tests that suit you.
Our innovative HIV & STI test kits have been developed for all genders and communities.
Why s.a.m health?
Why us? Very simple!
Results notification
If your samples are negative (no evidence of sexually transmitted diseases) you will receive a text message from us with the information. If a test is positive or reactive, we will send a text message to your checkpoint with a request to call you back. Yo discuss further steps with the person. We will never leave you alone with your result.
Your advisors at the partner checkpoint will also continue to be available if you have any questions about STIs, HIV or sexual health.