Shaping sexual health in a self-determined way


Your sexual health with s.a.m health

Summer, winter, spring or fall, no matter what season we are in, we are all constantly looking for ways to stay healthy and happy. But what about sexual health? It doesn’t just include the absence of STDs, but also a holistic sense of well-being in relation to your sexuality. After all, good sex strengthens your immune system. But even the best sex can sometimes bring unwanted surprises.

Your sexual health

In order to feel comfortable, confident and self-determined in your sexuality, it is important to question your own preconceptions and needs. Many people actively strive for physical well-being through healthy eating, regular exercise and preventative medical care. Similarly, we should not neglect our sexual health, regardless of how and with how many partners we choose to have sex.

STI test kit for home use

📲 Knowing your STI status is sexy

Self-determined: Understanding your risk

Being sexually healthy does not mean abstinence or monogamy, but being mindful of yourself and others. Not all sex is equally risky, and there are suitable measures for every risk, such as safer sex or regular tests for STIs. Confidential consultations on STIs help you to get an individual risk assessment and to better understand transmission routes and symptoms of common STIs.

Self-determined: Regular tests and advice

Just like the AHA rules to combat Covid-19, the combination of awareness of your own sexual health and regular testing for STIs is also important. With services such as s.a.m health, tests can be carried out easily and discreetly from home and the results can be received quickly by text message. Experienced advisors are also available if you have any questions about sexually transmitted infections and HIV.

Self-determined: Talking about it

Self-determination and discretion are always important when it comes to health and wellbeing issues. That’s why it makes sense to take advantage of the services offered by s.a.m health to manage your sexual health with confidence and support. Talking openly about sexual health can not only improve your personal wellbeing, but also lead to more security in your relationships. An open and non-judgmental conversation on the topic can ultimately lead to better sex. So, have the courage to talk about sexual health.

Our checkpoints offer a free initial consultation with your test kit. Here you will receive unbiased advice and can ask all your questions about sex, safer sex, sample collection and STI testing.

Sexuelle Gesundheit. Dein Weg.

Unser diskretes Versandtestkit bietet Labortests auf HIV, Syphilis, Tripper (Gonorrhö) und Chlamydien.