Knowledge instead of prejudice: Sexual transmitted infections


When it comes to sexually transmitted infections, or STIs for short, the reality and perception of what is “normal” are far apart. Time to start spring cleaning: How about we rethink our attitudes and prejudices to sexually transmitted diseases together?

The reality of sexually transmitted diseases

Statistically speaking, one in three people will be confronted with a sexually transmitted disease in the course of their lives. While the risk increases with the number of partners, studies show that education and regular testing can significantly reduce the risk. It is high time to break the taboos and prejudices surrounding sexually transmitted diseases and promote an active, informed sex life.

STI test kit for home use

📲 Knowing your STI status is sexy

Bacteria, viruses and sex: a normal part of life

Even a self-inflicted accident is less embarrassing than a sexual infection and hardly anyone has ever had to justify having the stomach flu. Where there are people, there are also bacteria and viruses. There are a number of myths surrounding the spread of sexually transmitted diseases in particular, and we often prefer to talk our way out of an unlikely infection in the station toilet instead of admitting our sexuality. This is because STIs are still mostly transmitted during sexual acts, hence their apt name.

What if we could simply discuss openly – at least with doctors and confidants – how and with what we have become infected?

Schoolyard jokes vs. facts: Time for an update

Most of us know gonorrhea or syphilis from flat jokes, but how about some real facts?

💡Syphilis has been on the rise again in Germany since 2010

💡 HIV cannot be transmitted under treatment and prevention drugs are just as safe as condoms

💡 Chlamydia is the most common sexually transmitted disease in Germany and can lead to infertility

Sexuelle Gesundheit. Dein Weg.

Unser diskretes Versandtestkit bietet Labortests auf HIV, Syphilis, Tripper (Gonorrhö) und Chlamydien.