Developed together for the needs of users

s.a.m health was developed as part of an innovation project by ViiV Healthcare and Deutsche Aidshilfe together with existing and previously unreached users and STI testing services.

The combination of user-friendly online ordering and medically trained local care is unique in Germany to date and enables people of legal age to manage their sexual health in a self-determined way while at the same time relieving the burden on public healthcare facilities and doctors’ surgeries.

Together with Münchner Aidshilfe and Medizinisches Labor Nord, the pilot of s.a.m health (then still S.A.M Mein Heimtest) was successfully launched in Bavaria in 2018 as the first service for home testing for HIV & STI with laboratory analysis and the project was subsequently expanded to nine other federal states. Coordinated by Deutsche Aidshilfe, the regional coverage of counseling services is being continuously expanded by partner checkpoints for s.a.m health. This means that s.a.m health provides valuable access to regular HIV and STI tests, especially in rural areas.

STI test kit for home use

📲 Knowing your STI status is sexy

About the German Aids foundation

Deutsche Aidshilfe (DAH) is the umbrella organization of around 120 organizations and institutions in Germany. It represents the interests of people with HIV/AIDS in public as well as in politics, science and medical research. Its most important tasks also include providing information about HIV/Aids and other sexually transmitted infections.

Deutsche Aidshilfe coordinates the partner checkpoints and shipping for s.a.m health and ensures the quality of counseling and support services relating to sexual health and HIV and STI tests.

About ViiV Healthcare

ViiV Healthcare is the only 100% HIV-focused global pharmaceutical company driving scientific progress in the treatment, prevention and cure of HIV. ViiV’s aim is to become more intensively involved in all areas of life and health affected by HIV/AIDS and to develop solutions for a wide range of challenges than any other company has ever done.

s.a.m health was developed as part of an innovation project by ViiV Healthcare and Deutsche Aidshilfe together with users and previously unreached target groups of HIV and STI testing services in order to offer a widely available, low-threshold testing service for people in Germany.

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About Labor Lademannbogen

Medizinisches Labor Nord works for people’s health and examines patient samples using state-of-the-art analytical methods. In order to guarantee the best possible laboratory medicine for every patient, it has built up one of the largest analytical service ranges in northern Germany. With over 250 employees, it offers a comprehensive and individual laboratory service.

For us, the s.a.m health service represents a huge step forward in the expansion and accessibility of HIV and STI testing services, which is compatible with our standards of medical quality, information and self-determination.

Armin Schafberger | Former Medical Officer, German AIDS Service Organization
Logo Medizinisches Labor

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